Datos personales

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

homework 2...

Exercise 1

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

1. Mother: I want to prepare dinner. (you / wash)_____HAVE YOU WASHED___the dishes yet?
2. Daughter: I (wash)___WASHED_______the dishes yesterday, but I (have / not)_____HAVEN’T HAD the time yet to do it today.
3. Mother: (you / do / already)___HAVE YOU ALREADY DO_________your homework?
4. Daughter: No, I (come / just)______HAVE JUST CAME____________home from school.
5. Mother: You (come)___________CAME_______________home from school two hours ago!
6. Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy (call)______CALLED__________________when I (arrive)__________ARRIVED_____and I (finish / just)________JUST FINISHED__________the phone call.
7. Mother: (you / see / not)__________DIDN’T YOU SEE_____________Lucy at school in the morning?
8. Daughter: Yes, but we (have / not)________DIDN’T HAVE___________time to talk then.

Exercise 2

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).
1. A: (you / be / ever)_____HAVE YOU EVER BEEN_______________to London?
2. B: Yes, I (be)____HAVE BEEN_________________there three times.
3. A: When (be)__________WAS______________the last time you (be)____________WERE_____________there?
4. B: Last summer. I (spend)_________SPENT______________two weeks in Brighton with my parents and we (go)______WENT_______________to London one weekend.
5. (you / like)_____DID YOU LIKE__________________it?
6. Oh yes. We really (have)___________HAD______________a great time in London.
7. Lucky you! I (be / never)____________HAVE NEVER BEEN___________to London.

Exercise 3

Complete these sentences with if, unless, when, as soon as or until.

1. We’ll never get there on time __UNLESS____ Sedef gets ready quickly.

2. I’m so excited. I’m going to get my skis on __WHEN____ we get there!

3. I’d take that job __IF____ the salary was better.

4. I’ll take driving lessons ___UNTIL__ I’ve finished school. I’m not in a hurry.

5. I can’t go to the office _____UNTIL___ I’ve found my car keys!

6. Alex won’t get a birthday present from me _____UNLESS_____ I go shopping today. His birthday is tomorrow.

7. We won’t be able to buy a new car __AS SOON AS____ we’ve saved enough money.

8. I have to take the pasta out of the water _____WHEN___ it’s cooked, or it gets too soft and sticky.

9. We’d go and visit them more often ____IF_____ getting there was cheaper.

10. I’d buy myself an up-to-date iPhone ___AS SOON AS_______ I had a really good job.

Exercise 4

Choose the right alternative.

1. I'll try to be on time but don't worry if/when I'm late.
2. Don't throw that bag away. If/When you don't want it. I'll have it.
3. Please report to reception if/when you arrive at the hotel.
4. We've arranged to play tennis tomorrow but we won't play if/when it's raining.
5. Jennifer is in her final year at school. She still doesn't know what she's going to do if/when she leaves.
6. What would you do if/when you lost your keys ?
7. I hope I'll be able to come to the party but I'll let you know if/unless I can't.
8. I don't want to be disturbed, so don't phone me if/unless it's something important.
9. Please sign the contract if/unless you're happy with the conditions.
10. I like traveling by sea as long as/unless it's not rough.
11. You might not remember the name of the hotel, so write it down if/in case if you forget it.
12. It's not cold now but take your coat with you if/in case it gets cold later.
13. Take your coat with you and then you can put it on if/in case it gets cold later
14. The television is always on, even if/if nobody is watching it.
15. Even/Although we played very well, we lost the match.
16. We're not very close friends despite/although we've known each other a long time.
17. 'When did you leave school ?' 'As/When I was 16.'
18. Ann will be surprised when/as she hears the news.

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